Light Won the Second Impact Factor 14.603: China's First Optical Class Second World Top 100


Light Won the Second Impact Factor 14.603: China's First Optical Class Second World Top 100

OFweek Optical Network News: Recently, Thomson Reuters Group released the 2015 Science and Technology Journal Citation Report (JCR2014). Light: Science and Application, hereinafter referred to as Light) has obtained its second impact factor since its inception, 14.603 ranking 2nd among 86 optical journals included in JCR. Among the 8618 international journals included in SCI, it ranked 95 and successfully ranked among the top 100 in the world. The impact factor of 14.603 is also the highest impact factor achieved by a Chinese sponsored journal.

Light is China's first open-access optical journal sponsored by Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and published in cooperation with Nature Publishing Group (NaturePublishingGroup,NPG). The online version was launched on March 29, 2012, and the printed version was published in 2013. In October 2013, the journal was successively included in the SCI of Thomson Reuters and the Scopus database of Elsevier, an internationally renowned online retrieval system. In July 2014, it was included in DOAJ, the largest open access journal catalog in the world. Compared with its first impact factor 8.476 (the fourth in optical journals in 2014),Light's development momentum is gratifying and its international status is further steadily improved.

At the beginning of the publication, it was positioned as "creating a high-end international optical journal", established an editorial board composed of world-class optical experts, and enhanced the global reputation of the publication through various channels such as the international network and resources of the Nature Publishing Group, and attracted High-quality manuscript sources. The journal has published numerous high-impact articles, including ShujiNakamura of the 2014 Nobel Prize winners in Physics and 17 high-level ESI papers. In addition, many articles published by Light have been cited by first-class journals such as Science and Nature.

In order to better disseminate scientific research results, promote academic exchanges, and extend the value of journals, Light has hosted LightConference every year since 2013. The conference invites well-known scientists from all over the world to attend, and attracts researchers from all over the country to participate in the conference. Experts and scholars gather through the journal This platform is gathered for in-depth academic exchanges and scientific research cooperation. 2015 is the international year of light determined by the United Nations. Light takes this opportunity to host LightConferenceWeek to accelerate the dissemination of innovative scientific research achievements through various forms of academic activities.


